The five senses to learn about exciting, because we use every day. Here are two activities a way, help you to present your child, the five senses impressive.
Flash cards are a great way for your child to use their sight. You can create your own flash cards with cardboard paper, pencils and crayons. Draw pictures of animals, objects and people in general (eg, a dog, a table and a letter carrier or child). Hold each card and ask your childName of the object or animal person.
Another way to play with our sense of sight is the popular "I Spy" series of books. Your child will love to help you hunt for items listed in the books "or a well-known version of the minutes of this game can be changed into a better player than pre-school, you can have your child pick up an object and describe, based on his appearance (for example: .. A Ball, red, round and spicy).
Our ability to hearallows us to enjoy music, communicate and stay safe.
"Name That Sound" is an exciting way to get different sounds in preschool children, so that they learn to identify them to introduce. Purchase or create a CD of sounds and plays for public preschool. Rain horns, car horns, waves and sounds of the animals are very exciting. Ask the children to the sounds they hear names that you hear.
Playing with other instruments is a fun activity for preschool children.They are the sound of all joy. Then you can ask them "What kind of instrument, and that is what makes this noise?"
Playing with a hint of any kind is a great way to stimulate the sense of smell.
odor to offer a variety of foods and to identify - with your eyes closed! Or experiment with fragrances to scratch and sniff books.
You can even make your baked pasta dough smell in the house and the addition of different extracts, asPeppermint and vanilla. Your child will love helping you make the pasta and the smell of Joy (care of children who try to eat too!).
Kids love things moving. How many times have you taken your child to ask you not to touch anything? These fun activities invite you to touch your child to play.
Arrange shells with elements of different textures on a table. Some suggestions are pasta, water, sand, terracottaPaper and cotton wool. Let your child feel in each bowl. Ask them what they touch, and how it feels.
Texture board is another great opportunity for preschoolers pounds to play with movement. Take a trip to your local library or library and choose books to read together texture and feel.
What better way to learn that food?
Prepare small plates of food, taste bud stimulator.Bitter, sweet, sour and salty language are the most important senses. Some ideas are good food lemon wedges, chips and sweets. may wonder what all tastes like your child, she tried.
You can also try your child a variety of drinks at different temperatures, such as hot and cold milk.
Also note if your child with his senses, and become more aware of them!
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